Here is the online form for submitting the details of your memorial.
Next, please select which memorial package you have chosen.
(more about this on the 'how to' page)
If there is a difficult part to creating your memorial tribute, this will be it.   The heart of the matter - writing something about how would you like this person to be remembered.  You might provide a description or story about the person's life.  Perhaps there is a eulogy from your loved one's memorial service that you would like to publish.  You might include a biography, a brief genealogy, personal accomplishments, or any other information you would like to be displayed as the main part of the memorial page. Remember, you can change it, make corrections, or add to this at any time. 
Please provide the following information for our administration of the online memorials.  This information will not appear on your memorial page unless you specifically request that it be posted.   This information will never be sold or shared with anyone, ever!
Remember me
Memorials on line

Dedicated to remembering those we have loved and lost.
Box 4744  Williams Lake
British Columbia  Canada  V2G 2V7
email Nicola at
The following information is for the memorial web page.  The first seven items should be considered essential information though all information is optional and you may delete or add information at any time.
The Panic Button

Did you hit the 'send button' when you weren't quite ready? Don't worry, you are welcome to resubmit the form, or just drop me an email and we'll take care of any corrections or additions you wish to make.
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REMEMBER ME - Dedicated to remembering those we have loved and lost.